The wife and I got up at the usual time and went straight to the polls - well, almost, I took a shower, which just goes to show I
do have some regard for my fellow man. Still, we were there about 15 minutes before the polls opened - early enough to beat those poor canvassers standing outside handing out literature. But there were oh, about 75 people in line in front of us, but at least we were indoors, unlike a lot of my coworkers.
A good chunk of the neighborhood was there, so while I held her spot my wife would wander off to chat with the neighbors or even see the baby twins one family brought. I got stuck with the talkative older lady who doesn't seem to get out much. Eventually we made our way in to vote where we passed up the fancy touch screen systems and went for the paper ballots. I've never actually voted beside my wife before, and we were a bit chatty while voting. It took about an hour for us to vote - not too bad, but it did seem longer than it has in a while (I remember the Clinton-Bush-Perot vote as particularly lengthy).
I live in a purple neighborhood in a purple state (Missouri), although I noticed only 1 family with both an Obama and a McCain sign in the front yard - one of those mixed marriages. I keep hearing about the enthusiasm gap and all, but I think McCain voters turned out too - in part because we're getting more polarized - and I don't see either outcome of this election changing that one bit, Palin helped provide some enthusiasm (certainly here in Missouri), and just to show the media and the pundits they're not as smart as they think they are - a reason the media never seems to pick up on, let alone report, but an important one, nevertheless.
You know, while we all say we like to vote
for the person, people sure seem to be just as enthusiastic to vote against the other person.